Monday, November 22, 2010


If you're like me, I'm always looking for good deals on 9mm ammo. In order to get a great deal, you need to browse the online ammo stores every day. I look for two types of ammo, FMJ for practice shooting and JHP for personal defense. When I'm low on ammo and need to purchase locally, I go to Wal-Mart and pick up some Winchester White Box or Federal Champion. I purchase JHP exclusively online because brick and mortar stores can't match the low price and selection.

Here are links to the three online stores that have the cheapest factory ammo:

Ammunition To Go
Cheaper Than Dirt
Natchez Shooting Supplies

USA Ammo sells reloaded ammo at bargain prices:
USA Ammo

Monday, November 15, 2010

Smith & Wesson 908S Review

The Smith & Wesson 908/908S (103890) is a third generation semi-auto pistol. It's also known as the economy version of the 3913/3914. It's a single stack 9mm with a capacity of 8+1. No longer in production since around 2000, I had to do some hunting online before I got my hands on a 908 stainless. I found one through for $275 that was practically brand new. I've seen them new for $500. The 3913 Tactical S&W (TSW) is still made for LE only.

The Gun:
The 908 has an all metal (alloy) frame. It's a respectable sized compact, the 908 has a 3.5" barrel and weighs 24 oz empty. The 908 is a double action/single action pistol. I've seen many places advertise it as a DAO and it's clearly not.

I've fired 200 rounds of Federal Champion and Winchester White Box with no malfunctions. At 7 yards, I was shooting 3"-4" groups. The recoil is very manageable and the 3 dot sights are easy to line up.

A common concern among 908 owners is the magazine not catching when inserted. When the slide is locked back, the magazine can be inserted smoothly. When the slide is forward/closed, you have to insert the magazine with some force. I purchased a Pro Mag for $22. Strangely, it locks in place with no force but it does have feeding problems so I'd advise against the Pro Mag.

Bottom Line
I like this gun. Partly because of the quality, partly because it's no longer in production, and partly because I only paid $275. I haven't fired enough rounds to say I would trust my life with this gun but I'm impressed so far.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bersa Thunder 380 Duo-Tone Review

I picked up a Bersa Thunder 380 Duo-Tone in October. It's a fun gun and I see why Bersa owners love this gun. Here is my review:

This isn't a pocket gun like the Kel Tec P-3AT but it's definitely a gun to carry concealed. It's all metal frame makes it on the heavy side weighing 24 oz with magazine unloaded. It has a 3.5" barrel and is 1.3" thick. There is little recoil. Shooting tight groups is easy and fun.

There are so many safety features on this gun: integral safety system (key lock), manual safety, decocker level, firing pin safety, and magazine disconnect safety. You really need to learn this gun and become familiar with all the safeties.

I fired 500+ rounds of Winchester White Box, Federal Champion, Magtech, PMC Bronze, Hornady Defensive Rounds, and no malfunctions. The gun feels better and loosens up the more rounds shot. The Thunder 380 is DA/SA, so the first round has a long DA trigger pull then all succeeding rounds are a short SA pull.

You can't beat the price for these guns. Brand new, you can find them between $230-$280 depending on the finish.

This is a heavy gun at 24 oz. for a .380 ACP. The Glock 19 weighs as much and it's chambered in 9mm. I keep thinking, "I might as well carry a 9mm if I'm going to carry this."

The standard magazine is a single stack that holds 7 rounds. For the weight and size of the Thunder 380, I'd expect a larger capacity.

The multiple safeties can almost be confusing for a novice. It took me a while to explain to my retired LEO father-in-law how the gun worked. The manual safety lever takes more effort to disengage than others. It does not protrude enough to easily disengage or engage. Even though I like the straight forwardness of revolvers, Glock's, and the XD, you feel very safe about accidental discharge with the Thunder 380.

Naysayers can't say the Bersa Thunder 380 isn't a quality made firearm. I trust this gun to properly fire if my life depended on it. That being said, it's not the EDC gun for me because of the weight and manual safety. I feel I should carry a larger caliber gun at this weight.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Springfield XD 9mm Service Model Review

This is the 4" Service model chamber in 9mm. As you can see it's too big for an EDC gun. Great for home defense and the occasional carry and target shooting. I've gone through at least 500 rounds and had a couple stovepipes and times when the slide did lock after the last round. I don't think this is unusual as I'm still getting to know this gun and could have limp wristed.

Pros: I really like the Grip Safety. I don't really see the importance of the Striker Status Indicator if you have the Chambered Round Indicator. The dual spring recoil rod ensures longevity and absorbs a lot of the recoil. The 3 dot sights are pretty easy to see in low light. The grip seems big at first, I have medium size hands, but it's really not. It's quite comfortable to hold. The XD is easy to field strip into 4 pieces with no tools. The XD has a metal trigger versus the plastic one on Glocks. The trigger is really smooth and pretty much feels perfect.

Neutral: Time will tell if the Melonite finish will hold.

Cons: The XD is little more bulky compared to similar guns. This is just personal preference really and the longer I own it the less I even notice or care.

I paid $400 and that included 2 x 16 round magazines and the XD gear (belt holster, dual magazine holder, ammo loader). The only thing I've used so far is the ammo loader. I think this is a great deal for what you can get. Springfield has a rebate now for 3 extra mags and a dual mag holder. So that's 5 magazines!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Galco M7X Matrix Holster

First Impressions
I ordered the M7X Matrix Holster from Galco and less than one week later, it has arrived. My first impression is it looks plastic-y. The plastic is semi-polished so that adds to the plastic-y look. I put the holster on my belt, the straps are very heavy duty using good hardware. What I love about the M7X is the distinct 'click' you hear when the HG is 'locked' in. I won't be worrying my HG falling out of this holster. When drawing, you need to have a quick sharp upward pull and it's out. For $29.95, more of reason to try it out.

"It is a durable thermoplastic holster that is lightweight, comfortable, and nearly maintenance free! The M7X is also fast, very concealable, and easy on the budget.

Setting it apart from other thermoplastic belt holsters, the patent-pending snap-on belt loops of the M7X – similar to those found on our deluxe Side Snap Scabbard – make it fast and easy to attach and remove from the belt.

The M7X is a strong side belt holster that uses a butt-forward cant to enhance concealability. The open top makes the draw quick and easy, while the lateral tension when worn does an amazing job of retaining the pistol securely. Unlike so many other harsh, mechanical-looking plastic holsters, the Matrix resembles a hand-molded Galco leather holster.

The M7X features easy on/off belt loops that fit belts up to 1 1/2"."